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Secure Your Future: Why Young Adults Need Life Insurance
Secure Your Future: Why Young Adults Need Life Insurance
Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on

Life insurance? It’s likely one of those things that hasn’t even crossed your mind yet – like retirement planning or switching to decaf. Maybe you’ve seen offers in the mail or online and thought, I’ll deal with that later. After all, you’re young, healthy, and have plenty of other financial priorities. But here’s the thing: getting life insurance early is one of the smartest financial moves you can make. It’s more affordable now than it will ever be, and it ensures that your loved ones are protected, no matter what.

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Secure Your Future: Why Young Adults Need Life Insurance
Secure Your Future: Why Young Adults Need Life Insurance
Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on

Life insurance? It’s likely one of those things that hasn’t even crossed your mind yet – like retirement planning or switching to decaf. Maybe you’ve seen offers in the mail or online and thought, I’ll deal with that later. After all, you’re young, healthy, and have plenty of other financial priorities. But here’s the thing: getting life insurance early is one of the smartest financial moves you can make. It’s more affordable now than it will ever be, and it ensures that your loved ones are protected, no matter what.

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6 Common Tax Mistakes to Avoid
6 Common Tax Mistakes to Avoid
Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on

Tax season is here, which means it’s time to dust off the calculator, gather that mountain of receipts, and dive into the numbers. But before you rush to file, take a deep breath! A simple mistake could delay your refund, cost you money in penalties, or force you to redo all that hard work.

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What a Car Loan Costs
What a Car Loan Costs
Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on

When shopping for a car, it's usually best to start by shopping for a car loan. When you’re shopping for a car loan, remember that what it costs you to borrow depends on three things:

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Become a Savvy Saver: A Guide for Beginners
Become a Savvy Saver: A Guide for Beginners
Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on

Saving money sounds simple but figuring out where to start can feel overwhelming. Should you open a savings account, explore investments like stocks, or think long-term with retirement planning? And what if you don’t have much to save right now? No worries - we’re here to guide you!

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How To Manage Your Debt: Strategies & Tools
How To Manage Your Debt: Strategies & Tools
Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on

There isn’t just one reason that people fall into debt. It’s a complex issue and solutions aren’t usually one-size-fits-all. Discover how to start managing your debt with these tips and tools.

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Your Tax Preparation Checklist
Your Tax Preparation Checklist
Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on

Tax season can feel like a big headache - so many forms, deadlines, and numbers to figure out. But it’s not all bad! For many people, tax season means a refund, and that extra money can be a real help. Imagine using it to pay off some bills, build your savings, or treat yourself to something you’ve been wanting.

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What’s the Optimal Down Payment on a New Car?
What’s the Optimal Down Payment on a New Car?
Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on

Couple buying a car

In today’s world, purchasing a new car seems straightforward. Many rely on their trade-in vehicle to cover upfront costs, such as a down payment. However, the amount you put down on a new car plays a much more significant role than most realize. 

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The Rise of Peer-to-Peer Payment Scams
The Rise of Peer-to-Peer Payment Scams
Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on

With the development of payment apps like CashApp, Venmo, and Zelle, sending and receiving money is now quicker and easier than ever. Whether splitting a dinner bill, sending a friend money for concert tickets, or handling your portion of rent and utilities, peer-to-peer payment apps provide convenient payment with just a few taps.

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The Do’s & Don’ts of Estate Planning
The Do’s & Don’ts of Estate Planning
Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on

Estate planning is a crucial tool in your arsenal for securing your family’s financial future. Creating a comprehensive estate plan allows you to ensure your assets are distributed according to your wishes, establish healthcare and funeral directives, protect minor children, and help you leave a legacy for your loved ones.

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Spaving: A Fine Line Between Savings & Overspending
Spaving: A Fine Line Between Savings & Overspending
Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on

Businesses regularly rely on sales and other marketing tactics to increase revenues and pad their bottom lines. While these offers might be enticing to consumers, many of these “deals” are just psychological tricks designed to get you to spend more.

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Kiss Credit Card Debt Good-Bye
Kiss Credit Card Debt Good-Bye
Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on

Credit cards are one of the most convenient forms of payment, and when used responsibly, they help you manage your cash flow and budget effectively. However, this convenience can lead to overspending and land you in a financial pickle. And with prices continuing to rise, more and more people rely on credit cards just to make ends meet.

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Why Buying a Home in Winter Might Be a Smart Move
Why Buying a Home in Winter Might Be a Smart Move
Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on

If purchasing a new home is one of your financial goals for the new year, you are probably taking all the necessary measures to prepare. From saving for a down payment to finding the perfect home, there is a lot to consider.

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