Have you received credit card solicitations in the mail and wondered if you were missing out on a good deal? You have a lot of choices when it comes to credit card offers. It pays to apply for a credit card with someone you can trust. Apply with Genisys Credit Union.
Account Opening Disclosure
Mastercard Guide to Benefits
Earn Mastercard® Double Play Rewards just by making purchases with your Genisys Rewards Credit Mastercard®
Apply for a Secure Mastercard® Rewards
Apply for a Secure Mastercard® Platinum
*Secured credit cards are not guaranteed approval. The applicant’s credit bureau will be reviewed as part of the approval process.
Card Controls is a mobile app that gives you control of when and how your credit cards are used. Identify potential fraud, monitor and control spending instantly, and receive lightening fast alerts - all from the palm of your hand. Learn more about Card Controls and the real-time alerts you can set up.
Help safeguard your account when shopping online.
Mastercard Identity Check is a new way to help secure your account when shopping online. Genisys Credit Union will review your transactions and in some cases require you validate a One Time Passcode or speak with us to verify your identity. Once the data is verified, the merchant will complete your purchase. You can enjoy peace of mind in knowing that your purchase was protected with an extra layer of enhanced security with Mastercard Identity Check. Terms and Conditions
No passwords. Now that’s smart checkout.
Life moves too fast to pay the old way. Introducing a smarter and more secure way to pay online that makes passwords a thing of the past. Learn more about Mastercard Click to Pay.
When you open a Genisys Credit Union credit card you have a great savings tool in your pocket! You can transfer balances from other higher rate credit cards to your Genisys Mastercard and start saving on interest charges. Plus, there is no transfer fee to move balances to our card.
It's easy to transfer balances!
Complete an Online Balance Transfer Request form. Just snap a picture of your credit card statement and upload with your smartphone to our credit card balance transfer form, send it to us and we'll do the rest.
*Mastercard Credit Rewards Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is variable and is based on the current prime rate. Mastercard Platinum Annual Percentage Rate (APR) is determined at time account is opened and based on your credit qualifications.