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Budgeting Tips Once Student Loan Payments Resume

Authored By: Genisys Credit Union on 1/18/2023

Man smiling in camera

With uncertainty surrounding the unfolding pandemic, on March 13, 2020, most federal student loans went into “Administrative Forbearance.” During this time, eligible loans had their interest rates set to 0% APR and loan payments were paused.

On December 31, 2022, nearly three years later, the administrative forbearance was set to end – meaning federal student loan payments would resume in 2023. However, this date was extended due to ongoing litigation about the U.S. Department of Education’s student debt relief program. Student loan payments will now resume either 60 days after the litigation is resolved or 60 days after June 30, 2023, whichever is sooner.

For many borrowers, this is causing panic and stress. While the initial effects of the pandemic have largely passed, rising prices and record inflation are already hitting borrowers’ wallets. Before your student loan payments resume, review the following tips to ensure you’re financially ready.

1. Review Your Loan Details

Log into your student loan servicer’s website and your StudentAid.gov profile. You’ll first want to make sure your contact information is accurate and up to date. Then make a note of details regarding your outstanding student loans, such as:

This information will help with budgeting and possible loan consolidation options. 

2. Revisit Your Budget

Between the pandemic and record inflation, your budget has likely been all over the place during the last few years. It’s smart to sit down and create an entirely new budget that incorporates your student loan payments. 

First, identify all your must-have expenses, such as housing, transportation, food, utilities, etc. Then look at your other recurring expenses and find areas to cut back. Make sure you leave some fun money in your budget – you’re not trying to punish yourself by any means. 

Your goal is to create a budget that allows you to meet your primary financial obligations, resume your student loan payments, and live comfortably. And that will likely require some sacrifices. 

3. Explore Loan Consolidation Options

If you have multiple federal student loans, you might be able to consolidate them into another federal loan called a Direct Consolidation Loan. By consolidating, you could potentially reduce the amount of your monthly payments. Plus, managing a single payment versus multiple monthly payments is easier. 

If your student loans are private, loan consolidation is still an option. But you might also want to look into refinancing your private student loans with another lender. By refinancing, you could potentially qualify for lower interest rates and more favorable terms – further lowering your monthly payment amount.

4. Plan for Financial Windfalls

Windfalls are larger sums of money that come your way, and they can be expected or a complete surprise. For example, expected windfalls might include your tax refund or an annual work bonus. Unexpected windfalls could be receiving an inheritance or a work promotion with a significant pay raise. 

Whether expected or not, it’s wise to include a portion of this money in your budget for paying down outstanding loans. Anytime you can pay a little extra toward a loan’s principal balance, you’ll reduce the amount of interest you owe and pay the loan off quicker.

5. Look for Other Income Streams

If your new budget isn’t where you’d like it to be, you might consider looking for additional income streams. Think about picking up extra hours or shifts at your current job, moonlighting your skills through freelance projects, beginning a side hustle, such as driving for a ride-sharing company or working part-time on the weekends.

Any time you can bring in additional income is a boom for your budget. And it might be just what is needed to help cover your student loan payments. 

6. Review Your Existing Loans

Whether it’s a car payment, mortgage, or credit card bill, loan payments are often your largest monthly expenses. They also provide the greatest opportunities to save. By consolidating or refinancing your existing loans, you might be able to free up significant money. 

Even as interest rates rise due to inflation, if your credit score has improved since you initially opened your loan, you could qualify for a lower interest rate. Review all your outstanding loans and stop by the credit union to see if there are moves you can make to lower your monthly payments. 

We’re Here to Help!

With federal student loans set to resume later in 2023, it’s wise to start preparing for these payments now. Refinancing or consolidating non-student loans (e.g., car loans, home loans, credit cards) could free up a significant amount of money to help cover these future payments. 

If you’re interested in reviewing your existing loans or would like to learn more about loan refinancing, we’re ready to help. Please give us a call at 248-322-9800 extension 5. 



https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/covid-19/payment-pause-zero-interest https://studentaid.gov/announcements-events/covid-19

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