Managing personal finances is a necessity for financial health. Being able to avoid financial pitfalls and make wise decisions with your money throughout your life is important. As your Credit Union, we want to help you by providing tools and information that you can use. Our online financial education tools include articles about everyday money concerns, information and tips on how to plan for your financial future, and online resources to help you manage your current financial situation more easily.
Explore ways to save money by reading through blog articles by the experts at GreenPath Financial Wellness.
The 50/30/20 Rule for Teens | 3 Minutes
In this coach session, you will learn about the 50/30/20 rule for splitting funds into needs, wants, and savings, and discover exactly how it applies to your money.
Build Your Emergency Fund | 3 Minutes
How much you need in your emergency fund is unique to you and your personal circumstances. This Coach Session will help you determine how much you need to save for a potential emergency.
Financial Wellness Assessment | 5 Minutes
The Financial Wellness Assessment lets you take a step back, analyze your spending, budgeting, and saving habits so you can reflect on how you're currently managing personal finances.
Saving with a Purpose | 3 Minutes
This Coach session will help you set concrete savings goals and show you how much you need to save every month to reach them.
How Credit Works • eBook
In this Coach session, get ideas for repairing your credit score in the short- and long-term and create an actionable list.
Repairing Credit | 5 Minutes
In this Coach session, get ideas for repairing your credit score in the short- and long-term and create an actionable list.
Explore ways to manage your credit by reading through blog articles by the experts at GreenPath Financial Wellness.
This Budget Calculator provides a way to list your monthly and yearly expenses and compare it to your income, making it simple to create a budget.
Explore ways to manage your budget by reading through blog articles by the experts at GreenPath Financial Wellness.
Earning Extra Income | 5 Minutes
When it comes to earning extra income, you’ve got options—and those options have options! In this Coach session, walk through the ins and outs of extra income, including expenses and tax implications.
The Cost of Baby’s First Year | 5 Minutes
In this coach session, discover how much you’ll need to add to your monthly budget when the baby comes along, and see your one-time expenses based on your preferences.
Trim Your Budget | 5 Minutes
This Coach walks you through your current spending one category at a time and gives you ideas for cutting costs. As you create new spending goals, you’ll see the power of trimming expenses here and there and identify just how much money you can save each month.
Create A Budget | 5 Minutes
You need a budget to tell your money where to go, but making one can seem daunting. This Coach walks you step-by-step through the process of creating a budget that fits your lifestyle.
The Cost of College | 7 Minutes
Planning for college means anticipating big changes to your budget. This Coach session will walk you through the biggest expenses you’ll need to pay and help you create a list of expenses for one year.
Explore ways to manage debt by reading through blog articles by the experts at GreenPath Financial Wellness.
Get Out of Debt | 5 Minutes
Managing debt is the best way to find financial freedom. This Coach session acts as a virtual Debt Coach, providing useful strategies to manage your personal debt situation and create a plan to pay off your debts.
Debt Counseling Program
GreenPath offers free credit counseling and debt counseling to help ease your financial stress, address your financial concerns, and develop a plan for living a financially healthy life.
Debt Management Plan
A Debt Management Plan is designed to pay off the entire amount that you owe, usually within three to five years. It can help you pay off credit card debt faster, and save money on interest charges.
Better understand loan options by reading through blog articles by the experts at GreenPath Financial Wellness.
Buying Your 1st Car • eBook
Buying a vehicle - whether it’s a car, truck, or SUV - can be a complicated undertaking. With lots of industry-specific jargon, large numbers and high-pressure sales tactics, each decision can be overwhelming.
1st Time Homebuyer • eBook
Buying your first home can be one of the most exhilarating - and stressful - moments of your life and getting everything in order can be daunting. Let this guide help you get ready to purchase a home that's just right!
What Mortgage Can I Afford? | 5 Minutes
Carefully selecting a mortgage that you know you can afford will help ensure that you can successfully pay for your new home. This Coach session will guide you through setting a goal monthly mortgage payment and finding how much house you can afford.
What Auto Loan Can I Afford? | 7 Minutes
This Coach starts by walking you through a doable monthly payment, based on your income and expenses, then shows you a purchase price range that fits your budget.
Start with a no obligation investment consultation: Retirement Plans • 401(k) Plans • College Funding
Plan for retirement by reading through blog articles by the experts at GreenPath Financial Wellness.
Am I Ready to Retire? | 10 Minutes
Every individual has a different goal for retirement. This Coach guides you through setting a personal retirement goal and predicts your total retirement savings.
Retirement Funds | 5 Minutes
When you invest in a retirement account, your money will grow until you're ready to retire. But how do you know whether to use a Traditional or Roth retirement account? The Coach session will walk you through both types of accounts and show how your personal retirement savings will be affected by either one.
Term Life Insurance | 5 Minutes
Most people realize the value of term life insurance to protect and provide for loved ones after they are gone, but haven’t taken the next step to figure out just how much insurance they need. In this Coach session, you’ll figure out why you need life insurance and receive a customized recommendation of the amount of life insurance you need for your exact situation.
Make the Most of your HSA or FSA | 5 Minutes
This Coach will provide information on both types of accounts, guide you through estimating your health care costs, and suggest how much you should contribute to your HSA or FSA.
Use these free personal finance resources to help you along the various stages of your financial journey.
It’s never too early to teach kids about money. Use our free resources to give young people a good foundation for understanding the basics of earning, saving and wisely spending money.
High School Financial Reality Fairs
We can facilitate a program either virtually or in-person for students that brings real world simulation experience on how to budget and manage finances.
Genisys Financial Empowerment, powered by Banzai
In-depth lessons to help you dive into the financial topics you care most about.
Topics include: • Saving • Budgeting • Credit